Come Visit Us
Open Day 16th Feb
Pop by to pick up some plants and stroll our lovely country gardens. Just 20 minutes south of Bombay in the stunning Kaiaua Valley.
Old-fashioned passion
Lots of people think growing and looking after rose bushes is really hard, so they grow “low maintenance” plants like natives and grasses (not that there is anything wrong with them but, let’s face it, it’s good to have flowers, and the bees are very grateful).
In fact old fashioned varieties can be really easy in our kind New Zealand climate. They are also very hardy and hang on when many other plants give up the ghost. That is why old roses can still be found growing on old farms, sections and even roadsides.
David Austin’s for sale
Many of our favourites are the David Austin English Roses. We are now propagating these successfully on their own roots. Some are a bit more fussy than some of the other roses and will need more care. To help you along we have written a Guide to growing David Austins in humid Auckland / Waikato northerly conditions.
Ready to plant
We make all our roses and perennials from cuttings or root pieces taken from our gardens at Mangatangi. They are raised in completely outdoor conditions, therefore, when you buy, the plants are 100 percent hardened off. They are ready to go as soon as you get them in the ground.
Rose nursery catalogue
See our online Roses for sale and Perennials for sale. Please note that our website is constantly a work in progress. With so many varieties to keep track of, the availability information should not be relied upon. For orders, advice or inquiries please contact us.
If you are not sure what roses are suitable for your garden, then please contact us to let us know what you are looking for. Drawing on our many years of rose growing experience, we will be happy to make recommendations.
Sales & delivery
We have been selling partially bare-rooted roses at very reasonable prices for many years now, with great success. We sell mail orders to gardeners and rose lovers all over New Zealand. For further information or orders please do contact us.
Open gardens and nursery
We open our delightful gardens and nursery to the general public, every month or so from Spring through Autumn. Entry is free! It’s certainly the best way to see our extensive perennial range as many are very difficult to post, and not all are listed on the website. Contact us or follow us on Facebook to hear about our next open day and come for a country ramble.
Facebook & blog
For garden posts, open days, news and specials follow us on FaceBook Also for seasonal updates and garden blog check out our Latest Posts
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