Uh oh, only a couple of months in and I’ve nearly broken my monthly blog-pledge already. Having just read last month’s, before starting this, I can see it was obviously expected. That April Birthday thing happened and a delightful array of friends and family arrived to stay and make merry. But not make cuttings . So now I’m alone again but waaaaaay behind on everything.
Another slightly time consuming thing has been our April Famosity, which occurred due to an embarrassingly OTT article about us in the NZGardener. Including getting on the cover! So there have been texts, calls and emails coming in which need reading and replying to. Some include orders, so all good.
It tends to be pretty busy at this time of year anyway, so I’m preparing myself for taking lots of antiflams and pain killers to keep up!!!
As it is already the last day of April, and I’ve already lit the fire and poured the wine, it is highly unlikely that this blog will be published in April. However, I need you all to know that the intent is there and I have at least started it within the parameters of the month. If it just had 31 days like most, I would be away laughing.
April has been pretty cool as Aprils go. There was a period there in the middle, where it rained every day and I thought the Indian Summer had deserted us, but it came right in time for Open Days, visitors and Big Parties. As indicated earlier I have not kept up with my cuttings regime, which is make 20 pots a day, I’m about 200 behind so have some catching up to do…
Weeell it seems to have become May 5th now. I’ve come in from some very hard out amending in the jungle otherwise known as the Species garden. Within this “border” are various thugs not allowed in the main gardens, like salvia Uliginosa, scrambling Ageratum, Japanese Anemones, Soapwort, to name but a few. Needless to say, after a very productive year of complete abandonment, the perennials have taken over a bit, subsuming roses as they go. I’ve hardly made a dent, but at least I’ve made cuttings or dug suckers of most of the Species roses for sale next season. Preparation of family Sunday roast needs to begin soon, so I’ve dragged myself away to take some drugs to allow this to happen!
Currently the weather continues on it’s near perfect way, with sunny days interspersed with some rainy ones to negate the need to water the nursery. Life is good, especially if you’re a weed…
After much procrastination a long planned structure has appeared in the garden, the long awaited rose arbour. This magnificent beast has added to the workload somewhat. Whilst our elusive (but magnificent) farm fencers constructed it, there were many roses to be severely amended or indeed removed to allow it to happen. I’ve now got the job of training existing and planting new, specimens to start their journey up and over the wires. Next summer will be a starting point, the following one will hopefully be vision apparent! It’s all quite a mission, but, fingers crossed, all worth it in the end.
I have ordered a large quantity of roses from Tasman Bay this year, as it sounds like there will be none available for a couple of years or so, as new owner, James, takes over the reins in a new location. I’m hoping they arrive in time for our next Open Day, which we’re planning as a Winter Solstice event on June 23rd. All going according to plan we will offer these that day, bare root, for those interested in getting grafted roses at a slightly better price. I’m afraid they’ll be dearer again this year as the wholesale price continues to climb. It’s totally understandable as everything to do with horticulture is escalating along with pretty much everything else. I buy in cultivars which I have trouble getting to take on their own roots so customers have a better choice.
At this stage my home grown roses are remaining at $15-$20.
I think I need to close up now and check the roast. Promise I’ll write again for May!