Open day – It’s that time of year again…

Open day Sunday 1st Dec.

Still plenty coming on in the nursery and lots of new roses for sale too.

John Clare putting on an early show which will continue on through to Autumn

Ah November! How could I have intimated last month October could be better? How could the promise of things to come be better than the coming!!

These early weeks in November are truly the jewel in the garden’s crown. The early Spring flowering roses and perennials are still about and the main flush of nearly everything is upon us. Roses of course…they are upon us! The true old fashioneds, Ramblers  and Species are just starting, whilst the repeat flowerers, including most of the Austins are going hard out. (excepting the ones I sprayed with a dilute tank of Round Up which are still looking rather sad, but pulling through)

The delightful and unusual buds of Moss rose Chapeau de Napoleon

We experienced, along with the rest of the country I think, a crazy heat wave last week. Over 30 deg in places at times . More like February than November. The roses of course, thought it was great, but some of the Spring perennials felt very uncomfortable. Not to mention the Spring foals. As newborns  spend a lot of time lying down with no breeze to cool them, they were rather hot and sweaty, poor babes!


Anyway, it’s not the first time we’ve been begging for rain in November, but the last few seasons have been rather the opposite scenario. One realises how quickly one can become accustomed to something and believe it to be the norm!

So November marches on, with parts of the country getting plenty of rain, whilst others, like us, getting hardly any. Enough to keep up the wonderful Spring growth, but certainly not enough to guard the garden against the approaching heat of Summer. But there’s time yet to worry about that…

All the cranesbill geraniums are out, such understated treasures