Garden tours and plant sales

Open 24 & 25th November 2018

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The early species should still be good and the main flush building. It’s a better time to get roses and perennials in the garden too, before it gets too hot.

Admission FREE

Light refreshments for a gold coin donation. Plenty of paddock/lawn parking (so long as it’s not really wet)

Roses, perennials & pottery for sale.

NO EFTPOS : bring cash or have good coverage on your phone for internet transfer! (poor coverage under the Hunuas)

Sociable dogs welcome on leads and please pick up any leavings in the garden!

We have 2 gardens to peruse. Main rose garden and nursery at 761 Kaiaua Road, Mangatangi. The second garden,  “Alice’s Wonderland” is a short walk across the paddock.

We will be running 2 Open Weekends in November, which should be prime Rose Appreciation month ! The 1st weekend in November, the 3rd and 4th and the last weekend which is the 24th and 25th.

Unwanted POTS wanted here! Please if you have any old plant pots hanging around bring them to us…we run a very low cost operation using pretty much all recycled stuff, which means we can keep our prices budget.