Weiti Homebred

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These are the roses we have found as seedlings in our various gardens over the  years or grown from select hips. Before we offer them for sale we make cuttings and grow them in various aspects and spread them around to assess their health and growth habits in different situations. Their breeding is often guesswork, but characteristics put them in certain families.

All Weiti Roses only $12

Weiti Sweetie (2007)weiti sweetie

Home bred polyantha darling. Clusters of pink/white flowers all year long. Flowers are reminiscent of Ballerina but minus the thorns and with a smaller, tidier habit.  available now

Weiti NorthcrossWeiti Northcross (2010)

Trier x seedling.  Home bred, large shrub with clusters of apricot buds which fade to creamy white. Gorgeous scent. Very similar to Trier but bigger flowers. Makes a great hedge.  available now

Weiti Egypt(2020)

A seedling from The Alexandra Rose. Large arching shrub covered with lovely golden yellow single flowers. Lovely stamens and lovely scent. Good repeat  available now

Weiti Electric (2009)

Chance seedling.  Clusters of small, light red flowers with white and yellow centre.  Has similar growth habit to hybrid musk and is probably of similar parentage. Very few thorns, attractive stems, leaves and hips.  available now 

Blanc Double de Weiti (2012)

Hopefully this rose’s namesake is too old to attract copy claims…This is just a random rugosa seedling from our garden which looks remarkably like another well known double white rugosa, but is more willing to be propagated! it also smells sweet (but not the same as the other) and freely produces pure white blooms thru the season. Being on it’s own roots it suckers freely, so can take over a bit.. sold out

Weiti Helen (2012)

A procumbent rose, in the style of a carpet rose. Healthy, shiny leaves and produces big bunches of soft pink wavy flowers year round. Sweet scent, and a moderate habit.  available now

Weiti Sherry (2012)

Home bred, 1 metre plus bush with mixed colour flowers, the bush is reminiscent of Mutabilis but in a many petalled form. Also has a lovely fragrance. available now

Weiti Betty (2012)

Small bush, patio size with very pretty flat rosettes of soft pink. Scent of Myrrh  small plants available now

Weiti Michele (2015)

This rose makes a large arching shrub with elegant leaves and very few thorns. It also has a lovely fragrance and very pretty red and yellow stamens. available now

Weiti Lady in Waiting (2015)

Floribunda type rose, very shiny modern leaves, but very old fashioned flowers, blush pink to white. Bourbon scent and tissue paper petals, so inevitably there is sometimes balling. Flowers all season. sold out

Weiti Gypsy (2016)

Very sweet  rambler with soft pink and white loosely formed flowers. Excellent repeater, lovely sweet scent, and really covers itself in flowers. available now

souvenir-de-mme-flowersSouvenir de Madame (2015)

Once flowering rambler, but so pretty it’s worth growing if you have the space. Bunches combine egg yolk yellow with clotted cream. Available now